An article in ‘Kamloops This Week’ highlighted the problem with truckers, chucking piss jugs out their cab windows just after a weigh station on Highway 1.

“Among the refuse disposed near the commercial vehicle-inspection station just past the Copperhead Drive exit on Highway 1 were dozens of pee containers, including two-litre milk cartons and water bottles filled to the brim with differing hues of yellow liquid.

‘It’s disgusting’ said Glenn Taylor, manager of the Thompson-Nicola District Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement (CVSE) unit.”

It’s like a scene straight out of The Trailer Park Boys…

“Snow hid the gruesome hillside and ditch area throughout the winter, but the spring thaw revealed the Trailer Park Boys-like scene — and a pungent aroma when the wind picks up.”

Read the full article HERE!