Great News; Science Says Concerts Are Healthy! Go Ahead And Buy That Ticket!
Consequence of Sound is reporting that not only are concerts fun, there might also be some great mental health benefits attached to them as well. It seems people who regularly attend concerts report a higher sense of happiness and well being than those that don’t.
“The study from researchers at Victoria’s Deakin University surveyed 1,000 Australians and found that those who attended any sort of communal musical experience, whether that be Big Day Out or just a night out dancing — reported higher levels of satisfaction with their lives.
The study also specifically found that the communal aspect was the important part, as regularly listening to music alone did not cause the same effect on “social wellbeing”. After all, science has already told us that people who like to drop the needle on Get Lonely are, well, lonely.”
The study says the social aspect of live music, not necessarily the music, is what leads to the high feels of satisfaction. Thousands of people, singing along to the same song as you…that’s a happy feeling. If you’re sitting at home alphabetizing your vinyl collection, there’s a solid chance you’re not a very happy person. So buy that concert ticket and get in the pit!
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