Over the weekend, as part of Winterplay, the ROCK 97.9 team of took to the ice to compete in the “Shoot-Out On The Snye”. Here’s the photos…

Game 1 – We didn’t start out as planned, when we dropped the game 37-1 against the “UofA Mining” team.

Photo Courtesy of Pete Potipcoe
Photo Courtesy of Pete Potipcoe

Shoot Out 1-2.jpg

Game 2 – This was the first of 3 games to be played on Saturday. Although we woke up ready to rock, we dropped that one too against “The Perennials”.

Game 3 – After a hearty breakfast at Kozy Korner, our team got a little bit worse and lost to “The Ugly Pucklings” 26 – 8.

Shoot Out 2-1

Time to hit BP’s for a re-hydrating beer and to regroup. Things must have worked, because we played our closest game yet BARELY losing to the “Couch Barons”.