Not to be left behind by all these musicians releasing new albums, even rising from the ashes for some, former Beatle Ringo Starr is throwing his hat in the ring with the release of the new EP ‘Zoom In’.



It comes to us next year on March 21, 2021, and it will feature the likes of Ringo’s long time friend Paul McCartney, Sheryl Crow and Foo Fighter frontman Dave Grohl to name a few.



Ringo wanted to have a song to help say goodbye to 2020 and ring in the New Year with style, saying, “I wanted it out in time for New Years because it feels like a good song to end a tough year on. So here’s to the nights we won’t remember and the friends we won’t forget – and I am wishing everyone peace and love for 2021.” Listen to the new single ‘Here’s To The Nights’ off of the upcoming ‘Zoom In’ below.