
Alberta Premier Rachel Notley says that Alberta has “a lot of heavy lifting” for Canada for many years, and now it’s time for some payback from Ottawa.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is in Edmonton today and will meet with Alberta’s Premier on an array of topics. Notley said she is pleased Trudeau is coming to visit, but there’s one thing she wants to make crystal clear. “The message will be delivered very, very clearly that Alberta needs the support of our federal government, we’ve truly been a fundamental part of the Canadian economy,” Notley said.

Earlier this month, the premiers of Alberta and Saskatchewan expressed dismay after Montreal-area municipal leaders publicly voiced their opposition to the proposed Energy East project, which would transport Prairie oil through their territory to tidewater in New Brunswick.

Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall has questioned whether Quebecers should continue to expect billions in equalization payments if they won’t support the export of resources that help drive those payments.

On Monday, he challenged Trudeau to take a stand and support the project.

“We need a champion for the energy sector,” Wall said after delivering a speech in Regina.


SOURCE: MacLeans